Looking for information on common medical topics?

Browse through some of the common topics in the podcasts and article listed in our Credo Family Medicine podcast library.

For fun and informative conversations about relevant medical topics, browse through the topics on the Doctor, Doctor podcast found on the Doctor, Doctor YouTube channel.
Listen to Dr. Mullally’s Podcasts

- KHS 084 - "Live from DC - The Hippocratic Oath"
- ICL - "Physician Assisted Suicide"
- KHS 076 - "Epidurals"
- KHS 071 - "The HPV Vaccine"
- KHS 067 - "The Zika Virus Scare"
- KHS 062 - "Antibacterial Soap Ban"
- KHS 055 - "Vaccines"
- KHS 050 - "Natural Family Planning"
- KHS 046 - "Contraception"
- KHS 043 - "Circumcision"
- KHS 036 - "Being Catholic First"
- ICL - "End-of-Life Issues"
- KHS 032 - "Prenatal Testing"
- KHS 029 - "Early Induction and Abortion"
- KHS 024 - "Ethics of Organ Donation"
- KHS 022 - "Simon's Law and Parental Rights"
- KHS 018 - "Latest SCOTUS Ruling on Abortion"
- KHS 014 - "End-of-Life Care Decisions"
- KHS 006 - "Dangers of Physician Assisted Suicide"
- KHS 003 - "Faith & Medicine"